when is the right time for round 2?

March 1s

So when is the right time for round 2?

We all know customers are expensive to acquire…

…so any DtC strategy needs to make the most of them.

It’s no surprise that the single biggest thing you can do to increase the Lifetime Value (LTV) of a new customer is to get them to buy a second time

So when is the magic window for the 2nd purchase for wine?

You’ll hear a lot of opinions…
-> “Give them a month”
-> “My customers buy every 3 months”
-> “nobody buys in the summer”

When we crunched the data at the UK’s largest wine retailer we found something interesting

The biggest week for 2nd orders from new customers?

The very next week. Then the one after that. And the sooner customers buy again the more valuable they tend to be.

What does it mean for you?

1. Beware averages - just because “on average” your customers buy every 3-4 months doesn’t mean your best ones do

2. The moment of trial is a moment of maximum excitement for your brand. Use it! For advocacy, for engagement and for sales.

3. The quarterly allocation is dead. Speak to customers on their terms and schedule not yours

Now. I think it’s time for another order of this (it’s a beautifully styled cab from Smith Madrone, not that you asked)

ps - And no, they are not a client. I imagine Stu & Charles would be horrified at the idea of a former strategy consultant. Still you should all go and visit them and try their wine - it’s everything Napa is at it’s original and best


sometimes you need to take a hike